
Our forensic accountants provide expert opinions and regularly testify in court to explain and defend their methods and conclusions. They have been qualified as experts in federal and state courts across the country. Since our work is built upon a solid foundation of evidence and accepted methodologies, our work product and testimony withstands cross-examination. Our forensic accountants excel as experts for the following reasons:


We write our expert reports with the non-accountant in mind. During testimony, our experts convey technical concepts in understandable and relatable terms, often accompanied by high-impact, memorable demonstrative exhibits.


We do not accept an engagement unless we have substantial experience with the industry and subject matter at issue. The combination of experience, professional certifications, and academic achievements results in unshakable credibility. 


During our engagements, we strictly adhere to professional standards and accepted methodologies. Our conclusions and testimony are supported by documentation and are always free from bias and speculation.

How Can We Help?

We provide our clients the information and insight needed for key decisions.

We are a licensed Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm specializing in forensic accounting.

© 2023 Assurance Forensic Accounting CPAs, LLC